Bearded Lady Soap Factory

Handmade Goat Milk Soaps & Lotions
Years in Business: 20

Beautiful & Functional

MDT Services Provided

  • Branding
  • Fonts
  • Colors
  • Logo
  • Content Development
  • Website Design
  • UX/UI Design
  • Email Setup & Configuration
  • Business Tech Consultation
  • Social Media Strategy
  • Local Connections

What were your Branding and/or Website
Challenges before working with MDT?

What were your Branding and/or Website Challenges before working with MDT?

My old Shopify site was slow and ugly. It also didn’t work with Square, so I had to keep double records. My online sales were decreasing, and I needed a new site fast!

How has MDT Helped Solve These Problems?

MDT built me a beautiful new site using WooCommerce, and it even connected to Square for my inventory and local sales!
MDT was able to meet me where I was and designed the future for my business when I couldn't see that far. Amazing team to work with. I am 100% beyond happy with the results of this new website.
Laura Stone stands in front of green foliage. She is wearing a white top and a peach-colored cardigan. Facing the camera and smiling, the owner of Bearded Lady Soap Factory radiates with her timeless elegance. - Market Design Team: Define. Structure. Expand.
Laura Stone


Branding, beautiful responsive websites, & graphic design. Be your best on web, mobile, social, print.